What Can we Do to Stay Healthy – Prevention

So much is talked about the rising costs of health care but rarely somebody mentions the word PREVENTION.

Research with cats was done years ago. Every following gheneration of the cat group that got processed food had earlier and earlier health problems. The fifth generation even did not know what to do in a life threatening situation.

Which means the  parents lifestyle and nautrition has an effect on the health of their children, grand children and all generations to come.

The number one goal of our nutrition has to be to eat as much food as possible that is alive. That was picked in the garden or the garden of a local farmer. This food has life energy, a lot of Chi.

When we eat dead food we will be tired and become sooner or later sick.

When we do not do this NOW the health care costs witl raise with every generation to come.

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Or did you hear that Jesus handed out lemons, oranges or carrots?

Anna Christine


mber one goal of staying healthy,