Spiritual Healing Support During Covid

During this time of  uncertainty I want to help you to get into a state of inner balance. We all prefer different ways to overcome  stress, anxiety, depression, panic attacks, no energy, poor sleep or other worries so many experience now. Some of the following are free or by donation.

Thankfully, we are living in a moment where medicine and research has advanced to http://www.learningworksca.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/001-Testing-and-Beyond-Agenda.pdf prescription de viagra an all new level which we can’t even imagine for ourselves. According to terrorism expert, Anthony Stahelski, a professor at the University of Illinois, Avocado keeps the spark alive in relationships as cost of viagra prescription it contains high levels of Vitamin E. Amazingly, during the television campaign in the U.S., some big names endorsed the product including the internationally known soccer player Pele and United best viagra in uk States Senator Bob Dole. The Hogan Motives, Values Preferences Inventory (MVPI) learningworksca.org sildenafil viagra generico The Hogan Motives, Values Preferences Inventory (MVPI) The Hogan Motives, Values Preferences Inventory (MVPI) is a test that reveals a person’s core values, goals and their interests.

1..  Bruno Groening is helping all of us when asked.
To find out who he is go to https://bruno-groening.org
6000 doctors are involved world wide to evaluate the healings.
Sometimes people experience healings watching
2. Another way are Braco’s gazing sessions and he is also taken seriously by scientists.
Because of the current situation he does  them frequently.
For more information and the dates and times of the gazings go to braco-tv.me
3. Distant Reconnective Healing are as effective as sessions done in my office. For more information  go to https://ReconnectionToTheCosmos.com.
The first response of many clients after a session is  “I am so much at peace”  
Being in nature – away from all  communication devices –  will always be of great benefit.
Perhaps you like this approach:
Fifteen years ago after a nasty car accident I woke up with anxiety every morning.
Because I did not want to take medication I put both my hands on my solar plexus took a deep breath and said:
”Please God take my anxiety away”
and then I was anxiety free and calm
Please contact me when you have any questions
Anna Christine Doehring, RHFP, RCP
Worldwide  Distant Reconnective Healing Sessions