Reconnective Healing® – FINALLY: Eric Pearl’s New Book ‘Solomon Speaks on Reconnecting Your Life’

I am very excited about the new publication from Dr.Eric Pearl and Frederick Ponzlov ‘Solomon Speaks on Reconnecting Your Life’.

I should explain what it is all about. It all started when  patients from Dr. Eric Pearl experienced suddenly more significant healings after he had gotten a session that is now called The Reconnection®.

Solomon, an extra-dimensional intelligence started speaking through Frederick Ponzlov, a former chiropractic patient of Dr. Pearl.  During chiropractic treatments he entered into an altered state of consciousness and suddenly began to utter profound and life altering information.

Beginning with the  six sentences “We are coming to tell you to continue what you are doing – you are bringing Light and Information (additional to Energy used in Energy Healing) to the planet – you are connecting Strands (that is DNA) – you are connecting Strings (the connectors to higher dimensions) – we are coming because of your reputation – you must know that you are a Master.” and it continued with illumination and wisdom on how we can improve our lives.

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‘Solomon Speaks on Reconnecting Your Life’  will give us more insight in regard to Reconnective Healing … you can order it HERE … the price is amazingly low, which is great.
The staff from Dr. Eric Pearl wrote “The information from this book has changed our lives. We sincerly hope it also helps you on your Life Journey.”

Some of my clients and I always had the feeling  Eric Pearl knows more than we do about the importance of Reconnective Healing®; that there is a reason for the urgency and that he is teaching it worldwide 45 weeks of the year.

Anna Christine

PS: Click on picture to order it.