Prostate Problems – Getting up Several Times per Night

“Does Reflexology also help my prostate ?” asked a client after perhaps 8 Reflexology sessions. He had come because of hip and knee problems.
“Why do you ask?”

And then he told me how surprised he was to sleep again through the whole night … before he had to get up several times per night. Actually he said “I was more in the bathroom than in bed”.

We all know how much healthier it is to have at least 4 hours of uninterrupted sleep. Imagine what it does to your health when you have to get up several times per night. It puts us under stress and is bad for our immune system.

Most people have no idea how beneficial Reflexology is  for the prostate – actually it is for all our health problems beneficial.

Because every part of the body has a reflex area in the feet, that is connected to this part — to the head, the brain, the eyes, the ears, the lungs, the colon, the hip, the lymphatic system the liver, the kidneys, the uterus, the ovaries, the spine, the prostate, the breasts, and so on.

Prostatitis and hyperplasia:
Number of cases: 187
It canadian viagra samples sometimes causes low or poor erection. In short, a lack of blood supply towards order cialis the male reproductive region. Sexual function needs the mind and body of a ordine cialis on line male organ. Lack of workout or physical tasks can easily make viagra free you their next victim. 3. effective:                              66 = 35.29%
significantly effective: 108 = 57.75 %
No effect:                              13 =   6.96 %

Significantly effective: All symptoms and signs disappear completely and the disease does not recur in 3-6 months.
Effective: The symptoms and signs disappeared or basically disappear. After the treatment is ceased for 3-6 months, pt of the symptoms and signs do recurm but in a lesser degree with marked improvement in comparison to that before the treatment.
No effect: After a period of treatments there is no basic improvement of symptoms and signs. The disease recurs within 3 months after the treatment stopped.

From: Medical Applications of Reflexology: Findings in Research about Safety, Efficacy, Mechanism and Action and Cost-Effectiveness of Reflexology, by Kevin and Barbara Kunz.

Anna Christine