How to Handle Cravings – Sweet – Savory?

It is no fun to have cravings because often one gains weight. We kind of know that. It is also expensive … sweets and chips cost money.

So, why do we have cravings? Observing my own behaviour and what I changed in my life I found out the following:

Our body is craving sweets

  1. when it is deficient of certain nutrients,
  2. when we are  tired,
  3. sometimes when we are  deficient of water,
  4. or when we have emotional problems,
  5. or the body has a yeast infection, which might be caused by antibiotics,

The solution is

  • to sleep enough,
  • to eat organic food,
  • to cook from scratch,
  • to STOP eating PROCESSED Food
  • to drink enough water,
  • to go for walks in nature and
  • regarding the emotional issues one might need to get help.

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Yes organic food is more expensive, but one needs less because it contains more nutrients. 

We have to cook from scratch, because processed food is dead food and gives us dead energy (that means NO ENERGY). It also contains a lot of sugar and all kinds of additives. Most do not have to be listed.

Food that is alive grows in our gardens, is available on a Farmer’s Market or the Supermarket

Yes it takes time, but it is better to turn the TV off and to cook so that one eats healthy and stays healthy. The TV sucks also energy from us, as computers do too.

Since I am eating healthy I can look ‘cold blooded’ at chocolate bars and chips … and when I eat something then it is one or two pieces …. before it was the whole bar or the whole bag of Marshmallows. Therefore I know what I am talking about.

Luckily I never gained weight because I like to move.

Hope this helps. Oh, I forgot … I eat nearly always only organic meat, without antibiotics.

Anna Christine