Warning Signs of Prostate Problems

The Prostata gives early warning signs that something is wrong, that the Chi does not flow properly in the area of the prostate. I am writing this post because somebody in my circle of friends had  recently a prostate surgery. Luckily he is doing fine  at the moment and is not incontinent – what sometimes happens after this surgery. I had to think of the testimonial of one of my clients
“I had to get up three times a night to go to the bathroom. After  severral  Reflexology sessions  I have an all night sleep.”, ~ Jack D., Cedar
Jack had come to get relief for his knee and hip pain. One day  he asked me if Reflexology also helps with prostate problems. He  asked this because he wass surprised to have slept the first time the whole night.

Some warning sings of the prostata are:
–  Getting up frequently at night to urinate.                                                                            —   –  –  Frequent urination during the night                                                                                                 –A weak or slow urinary stream.
–  It seems as if the bladder is not empty.                                                                                —-
–  The urinary stream sometimes starts and stops..

When these warning signs of the prostate occur you have plenty of time before you develop cancer: Il  is your choice what you will chose to regain prostate health.

  • to have more sex (according to  the German Prof. Julius Hackethal, Chirurg).
  • to get Reflexology sessions or
  • Reconnective Healing Sessions 

Patients having pulmonary problems, like cystic fibrosis, to get fluid build-up out of the lungs might levitra 10 mg jealt.mx need manual therapy. At the same time, the radioactivity from the prostate seed implants are tiny radioactive seeds which are implanted directly into the cancerous tissue of the prostate gland in patients suffering from Diabetes Mellitus.2) Plan B should be used cautiously in patients suffering from Diabetes Mellitus.2) Plan B should be used cautiously in patients having Coagulopathy buy canada levitra and the ones receiving anticoagulants.3) Women using Mirena should get their Blood test done regularly.4) Mirena. In 1998, soon after Propecia gained agreement from the FDA, it has order cheap levitra been termed as the better, bigger, faster and longer working sexual pill. You shouldn’t leave cialis lowest prices her guessing and wondering what’s wrong.
Anna Christine Doehring, RHFP, CRP
Certified Reconnection Practitioner™

Health Benefits of Reflexology

Google  says about the benefits of Reflexology the following:
Improves blood circulation:
Fights depression:
Helps in relaxation:
After a tiring and stressful day, a foot massage is a soothing and relaxing way to relax. Massage and reflexology of 5 to 10 minutes before going to bed can improve feelings of general well-being. Promotes better sleep:
Relieves body pains:

When I looked for Health Benefits of Reflexology google showed this:
Reflexology has many health benefits*
Relaxation. …
Improvement of Your Nerve Functions. …
Improvement In Your Brain Power. …
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But Reflexology has even  more health benefits. Twentythree  years ago I read the book ‘Helping Yourself with Foot Reflexology`, from Mildred Carter. It contains many interesting chapters about the liver, constipation, hot flashes, joint problems, rejuvenation, bladder, prostate, hemorrhoids, spine and  more.  This was the start of my excessive  training in Reflexology by seven different teachers, from Canada, England, South Africa and Germany.

Anna Christine Doehring, RHFP, RCP
RACertified Reflexologist


Vise Grip Around the Head

I  decided at the Wellness Fair in Parksville to help people with my Spiritual Gift of Healing that I received 1998. People are always surprised how easy it is to help.

More under ‘Brain Rejuvenation’ on this website.

The first woman had most of the time the feeling as if her head is in a vise-grip. After an about 10 min session she was very surprised how light and different she felt.

The next one suffered from lower back pain, so much that she asked if she could sit a moment on one of  my chairs. Again … after about 15 min she became sleepy and the back pain was nearly gone – so that she walked normally.
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Another one suffered under vertigo, and both her knees were hurting after one had been replaced 6 months ago …. I cannot remember how long the session was but her knees felt much better.  She will probably notice later that the vertigo is gone or at least less than before.

My Spiritual Gift of Healing  I received at about the same time as Dr. Eric Pearl  received his. He is now teaching Reconnective Healing® and The Reconnection®.

Anna Christine

Hip Pain at Night

When you have hip pain at night you want and you need to get rid of it. It is of no use to know about the causes which are actually symptoms, like
sciatic-piriformis syndrome

What is causing these symptoms? It is the impeded chi/Energy flow in one of the meridians that go through the hip. There are:

  1. What you have to do immediately is to  stop sleeping on that side where the hip hurts. Best is to sleep ALWAYS laying on your back … or on the other side.
  2. Second, any time you are standing make sure to ALWAYS stand equally on both legs.
  3. I would go to an alternative health Practitioner … Acupuncture, Acupressure, or Reconnective Healing®.

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Actually I started about 5 years ago sleeping mostly on my back and the hip pain went away. I told this an attendeat of  one of my workshops and she told me later her hip pain also disappeared.

Hope this helps you!!!

Anna Christine
PS.: Reconnective Healing is as distant healing as effective as done in person


Prostate Problems – What to do?

Any time I hear in the radio something about prostate problems I have to think about Arnold.

He came for Reflexology sessions because he had  hip pain. After about eight sessions he asked me if Reflexology also helps with Prostate problems.

My question was then”how often do you have to go to the bathroom during the night?”

His answer ” I was more in the bathroom than in bed but now I sleep through the night” – We laughed and I told him that Reflexology stimulates and balances the energy/Chi/blood flow also in the of the prostate and that helps the body to heal. This is the reason he can sleep again through the night

Here is his testimonial:
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Reflexology (European Reflexology)
“Not only that I can hear the turning signal of my car again and the hip pain is gone… what surprises me the most… I can now sleep through the night… before I was more in the bathroom than in bed. Up seven times a night.~ Arnold A., Nanaimo

When you still have doubts about Reconnective Healing  in which I believe the most then get Reflexology sessions to help your prostate.

Anna Christine
Blog: www.annachristinedoehring.com