Athletes Foot Cure ?

As a certified Reflexologist I was of course interested in the cause and cure of Athletes Foot. Then I became a certified JinShinDo Practitioner and realized that Athletes Foot is caused by an imbalance in one of the six organ meridians that end in the toes. The are called organ meridians because the are connected to Bladder, Spleen/Pancreas, Gallbladder, Liver, Kidneys

This means the location of the fungus is very important because it indicates which meridian needs to be balanced and which organ might be in trouble and needs to be checked by a physician.

The Athletes Foot is a sign of the body that something is not right and needs to be looked after. To use an anti-fungus cream removes only the symptom and the body is then showing later in another way that something is wrong.

Acupuncture and Acupressure may be of great help  when also the emotion is addressed that is related to that meridian.

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Reconnective Healing® is balancing on the physical level  all of our body systems and balances us additional also on an emotional, mental, and spiritual level. This is important to know because the original cause of an imbalance is in most cases emotional, mental or spiritual stress.

Please know that harmless problems like for example Athletes Foot have to be taken seriously.

Anna Christine