Breast Cancer – Constipation – Reflexology

This is a strange combination … you might ask … where is the link?

The link was a TV show on Shaw-Cable, Vancouver Island, Canada. Years ago they had a health-show at which various health practitioners explained their work. I was one of them, but this is not the point of this post.

At another show was an Iridologist  who explained also that every part of our body has a reflex-area in the colon. 

As Iridology is based on the fact that every part of the body is connected to  an area in  our iris.

Reflexology is based on the fact that every part of the body has a reflex-area in the feet, hands, and ears.

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The important part of his talk was that he had not seen one woman with breast cancer who did not have a plugged up ascending colon … this means that old putrified fecal matter was attached to the colon wall where the reflex-area for the breasts is.

Nobody will know whether this was the only reason of the breast cancer, it can also be that the women had been very stressed in the past, which caused constipation and also an acidic body … and cancer loves acidic bodies.

Reflexology is in my opinion with all the training I have  the best alternative health modality to get the colon going when it is done for a while on a regular basis. It activates the colon and all body functions, reduces stress, balances our emotions,and improves sleep. It is a great modality to prevent all kinds of health problems.

Anna Christine