What Causes Heel Spurs?

The answer is in my opinion simple >>> Back pain especially Sciatic problems are causing heel spurs… and yes, when we are overweight we have more likely back problems which causes heel spurs.

As a certified reflexologist in Nanaimo  I know that the sciatic nerve ends at the bottom of the heel.
Reflexology is based on the fact that the feet are like a map of the body and every part of the body has an area in the feet it is connected to.
When the Chi-flow in a certain area of the body is impeded the corresponding area in the feet starts to hurt when pressure is applied. The cause are little calcium deposts at the berve endings. 7.000 nerves  end in the feet.
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Instead of putting cushions in the shoes or opting for surgery it is in my opinion better to go to a certified reflexologist or to another wholistic health practitioner who is certified in . Acupuncture, Acupressure, Body Talk, EFT … there are many other modalities.

Anna Christine

How Does the Body Heal?

All disease is the inablity of cells to communicate. The location where this happens gives the symptom a name.

When we are sick the light emissions of the DNA that surround the cells become less. It is as if the halo around the cells becomes smaller and smaller, it dims … as it does with cancer for example.

All healing modalities we had until now(like Reflexology and Acupressure/Acupuncture, JinShin, Massage, EFT, Physiotherapy) and also all energy-healings using a technique  help to rebalance the energy-flow(Chi) in the body and that enables the body to heal itself.

True healing is more and it is simple, it just sends the light to the body and the cells. The cells  remember how to be the light and the body can heal itself.

Healing can happen very fast. The less one is attached to the problem and trapped in the belief that nothing can help the faster the healing happens. Children heal fast.

Proof for this form of healing are the German Healer Bruno Groening, the gazer Braco from Croatia and Dr. Eric Pearl who teaches Reconnective Healing® and The Reconnection®

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Unfortunately most people are not interested to learn more how the can be well and that is the reason I am very xad that so few cam to the lecture about Bruno Groening in Bowen Park. A follow-up lecture will be in Nanaimo, Vancouver Island on Tuesday, Oct. 29th, 7 pm in Beban Park.

We need to do for our health whatever we can. Our body needs help during this specific time!!!

Anna Christine


Help for – ElectroMagnetic-Sensitivity (EMS) – Electrical Hypersensitivity (EHS)

Dr. Leon Hammer recommends in his article The Pulse, the Electronic Age and Radiation: Early Detection as a treatment the 9 Extraordinairy Meridians. As a JinSinDo practitioner I am very familiar with these 8 Extraordinairy Meridians because they are such a powerful tool.

I have to admit that I thought before Reconnective Healing® is the best modality to help with electromagnetic sensitivity. Now I let the client decide what they want, because their subconscious/intuition is the best guidance.

Here are some of the symptoms: Insomnia, muscle and joint pain insomnia, fatigue tremors, headaches, dizziness, heart palpitations, low’high bloodpressure, sinusitis, asthma, itching of the skin, skin rash, deteriorating vision, pain or burning in the eyes, digestive problems nose bleeds, hair loss, pain in the teeth.

These electromagnetic frequencies diminish our core essence, our Jing, that is stored in the kidneys. When this gets reduced all kinds of problems can.
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Anna Christine

What is Causing Emphysema? – Is There Help?

This reason why people have emphysema most likely varies from person to person.

I believe one reason is frequent constipation. Caused by

  • Stress
  • Lack of exercise
  • Drinking not enough water
  • Blocked Chi flow in the lung area
  • Food that doesn’t contain enough fiber
  • Smoking is not helping

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When the body can’t get rid of toxins through the bowels it has to do it through the lungs or the skin.

This is probably the reason why bowel disorders and asthma are both on a dramatic rise and why so many have allergies.

About 15 years ago I read in the RAC (Reflexology Ass. of  Canada) a testimonial of somebody with emphysema. She had received several sessions from a Reflexology student and at her next doctor visit he was totally surprised about the condition of her lungs. I believe he said something like “and I thought that this cannot improve.”

Never give up. There are many alternative modalities that may help.

  • Most of them reduce stress
  • Acupuncture and Acupressure activate the Chi flow in the Meridians
  • Reflexology stimulates the functioning of all body systems

Anna Christine
PS.: I guess more and more doctors will be in future surprised because more and more people are looking for alternative ways to stay healthy or regain their health.


What an Impeded Energy (Chi) Flow Can Cause

Medical doctors are often not very familiar with the Meridian system and the emotions associated with them. The are totally surprised when a physical conditions as for example Tinnitus or a spastic finger, improve after a session from an alternative healer.

Here is an example from http://anna-christine-doehring.com/testimonies: “Today I want to let you know how grateful I am that I can walk without pain. …  my big toe was bent over the next to and had rubbed it so much that both toes were bleeding, were inflamed and I could not walk. The pain was terrible.
The orthopedic doctor told me that the big toe has to be straightened and that can only be done with surgery.  … it is like a miracle, the  – the bent toe is straight, it doesn’t hurt anymore and I can walk and run like a young girl.”

What had happened? the  energy flow (Chi) in the meridian was impeded because of severe emotional stress. In this cse it was anger that affected the liver meridian..

“It is as if all the stress is lifting” is often the first  what my clients after a Reconnective Healing® Session say and it doesn’t matter whether that session happens in my home office or is a distant Reconnective  Healing® Session.

One year later the toe was still straight. One distant session had happened in the meantime.
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I always chuckle when doctors and/or clients are totally surprised about healings they can’t explain.

Acupuncture or Jin Shin Do® Acupressure might have helped too.

Anna Christine
PS.:this clients life circumstances are still the same but she is not so affectied by them … she is calmer and it does not stress her anymore. so much